Mosims School

School management tool for your school. Sign Up today!!

Key Features

Printable Reports

Easily print students examination reports, marksheet, clearance.. e.t.c

Bulk SMS

Send SMS Notifications to any target group on students examination result, meetings ...

Identity Cards

Easily generate id cards for students or staff members


Powerful examination Module

Mosims Provide powerful examination module, this save time and make things easier. Teachers may submit scoresheet wherever they are.
Examination module has powerful grading including GPA, DIVISION, AVERAGE.
Academic master can easily print marksheet, student reports, mark books, Teacher academic performance records e.t.c..
Mosims initiate interaction between school, students and parents where parents can receive sms notification on their child academic performance.

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Primary Schools

Discover tools and features designed for the unique needs of primary education.

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Secondary Schools

Access a suite of advanced functionalities for secondary education management.

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